I have been waiting for these posts. Soundwave and Warped are my two favourite tours because the lineups always consist of some of my favourite bands in the world. As well as being based around my favourite genre, pop punk music and post hardcore. I grew up with this music and it holds a special place in my heart. So lets get into this. 

Soundwave is an annual music festival held in the major cities of Australia. The festival originated in Perth and began travelling to the other major cities in 2007. It is centred around the promotion of rock, metal and punk music. So if these aren’t your genres then soundwave isn’t going to be your cup of tea. The sort of bands that headline this festival are music heavy weights such as Nine Inch Nails, Metallica, Slipknot and Iron Maiden. 
Soundwave is organised, promoted and held together by the amazing AJ Maddah who has taken over the music scene these last few years. Now the promoter of Soundwave, Warped and Big Day Out, he is the man with all the answers. While our blog will try to cater for all your music needs if you guys ever have a question that we can’t answer hop on over to AJ’s twitter. He’s always answering fans questions and if you want information from the original source that is the place to be. You might just learn something new and exciting while you are there. 
AJ’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamnotshouting 
What to expect from your day at soundwave: 
It will be the most surreal experience of your life! Your head will be sore, your bones will ache, your skin will probably end up lobster red and by the end of it all you will be filled with adrenalin. You will see the most diverse sea of people dressed up in leather, studs, fishnet stockings, tutus and chains. Expect to be bruised, battered and squashed through out the day. Also remember to expect the best. Soundwave is more fun than you can imagine. You will be surrounded by people who love the music and bands as much as you do, you will meet some of those same bands and it will be a day you will never EVER forget.

Some Tips and Tricks:
Money – you will want to buy merchandise and you will want to eat

As soon as you get there have a look around, get your bearings, find out where all the stages are and make sure you know how to get there. You do not want to miss any of your favourite bands!

Take breaks! It’s so tempting to just keep going, see every band and not stop. DO NOT DO THAT! You need to have some time out of the mosh to breathe and make sure all your limbs are still attached. 

Drink plenty of water. Make sure you don’t get dehydrated! That could easily ruin an otherwise perfect day. 

If you think there is a chance that you could see or meet one of your favourite bands, take it! You will regret it if you don’t and if you do that could raise the day from great to mythically amazing. 

Organise your schedule before the day! Soundwave organisers release the times for the day at least a week ahead so sit down and figure out where you will be, who you will see and when you will rest. 


What the tweets say

Here's what the Twitter-sphere had to say about Soundwave!


    The writer of these great and wise words is an avid festival-goer and an appreciator of all music. Her advice about all things festival have saved many of her friends so listen up to this savy chick's knowledge.


    October 2013
    September 2013